Dear Reader

What makes a successful life? Two of my colleagues (Barry Hope & Stuart Cresswell) and I are designing a new personal effectiveness programme to run on a public basis. During our last meeting we discussed what makes a successful life. What is it that people do that makes the difference between success and failure in any given situation? So I decided to share some of our thoughts in a two part Inspire to help you to think through what you do that helps you to succeed and what else you could do.

Forthcoming events:

  • Saturday 12th May - Mastering Your Inner Critic, Releasing Your Inner Wisdom workshop – if you find that you are overly harsh with yourself, have difficulty identifying your strengths and successes you might find that your inner critic is getting the best of you.

  • Tuesday 5th June - Managing Challenging Interactions workshop – whether it is in dealing with clients, colleagues, suppliers, friends or family this workshop can assist you in developing your assertiveness, managing the impact of challenging interactions on yourself and having more effective interactions with others

  • 9th - 10th June – Fantastic Futures – this programme is for anyone who either wants to enhance their life or take their life in a new direction – see the right hand column for more details. This programme is going to be run in Central London.

Thank you to everyone who supported and attended the various events associated with the Gandhi, King, Ikeda – Creating Peace Without Violence exhibition in March this was a great success with 1290 people visiting the exhibition and attending the evening events.

Best wishes

Melanie Greene

What makes a successful life? Part One

How do you define success? – when the topic of success comes up on my workshops there is often discomfort amongst participants about discussing the notion of success. Perhaps this is partly historical and cultural in the UK – ‘pride before a fall’ and all that.

It can also be that we only equate success with financial success and therefore end up discounting any other kind of success and doing ourselves down.

When I set up my business 15 years ago I wrote down how I would judge my success, not just in terms of my work, but my whole life. Why is this important? One of my first coaching clients had determined in their first year of business (before I met her) that she would earn £40K. She achieved this - unfortunately at the expense of her relationship, seeing much of her son and with an adverse impact on her health and happiness. So I always encourage people to think about every aspect of their life, so they can have an all round successful life.

What are your success criteria? How do you judge that you are successful in life and in specific situations?

Creating a positive outcome – When we create a clear positive picture or goal to work towards it can motivate and encourage us during any challenges we encounter as we move towards our goals. Make sure that your goal is positive, vivid and as specific as possible.

Visualising, believing in success – A colleague of mine has a big piece of paper on her office wall with her dreams spelt out against a timeline so that she can look at it every day and check she is moving towards her dreams. I use the process of visualisation when I am facing tricky situations both in and outside of work. I visualise how I will be successful – what I will say, do, what it will feel like and how I will handle any challenges that occur. This then gives me the confidence to go into the situation feeling positive and centred, which in turn affects my behaviour and the environment creating a successful outcome.

Dealing with setbacks – nowadays all the literature about learning and development includes information on dealing with relapses, setbacks and failures. Rather than fearing failure or problems - which can even stop us from getting started - it is better to recognise that failure and setbacks can provide valuable feedback on what we need to do differently in order to achieve success. This feedback can act as fuel to create our future successes.

‘Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without loosing your enthusiasm.’ Winston Churchill

Stepping back, assessing progress, deciding where to go next – One thing I have found useful, especially when juggling lots of projects, is to take regular steps back from everything. Assessing how things are going, what needs to be done to move forward, and re-prioritise where necessary. Yet we often get so caught up in either the excitement or stresses of life we feel we have not got time to do this. Personally I know that whenever I say to myself ‘I’ve not got time to stop and step back’ is just the time when I need to. If this is done regularly it can be quick and can help keep you on track.

Would you benefit from stepping back right now? When can you take the time out to do this?

May Inspire will have Part Two of ‘What makes a successful life?’

Want more Inspiration? If you want to create more success in your life, at work or in your business we can offer consultancy advice, 1:1 support, and group workshops  to assist you in doing this. Just call 01865 377334 or email to arrange a time to speak in confidence. For more information about Grovelands visit our website:  

Feel free to pass this issue of ‘Inspire’ onto others – if you have been forwarded this issue and would like to receive your own copy each month, click here to subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

Creating A Fantastic Future For Yourself

This is a two day workshop with follow up email coaching support to assist you in putting the ideas into practice. The format will be:

  • Highly participatory

  • Practical

  • Supportive

  • Inspiring

It will cover the following areas:

  • Creating a compelling future to work towards

  • Building effective and fulfilling relationships with others

  • Managing interactions with others

  • Managing your own mood and the impact it has on your effectiveness

  • Understanding the process of change and what you need to do to support your on–going progress towards your goals

For more information or to book a place call Melanie on 01865 377334 or email


Grovelands provides:

  • Consultancy advice

  • 1:1 coaching and mentoring

  • in-house and public workshops.

to individuals, partnerships, SMEs and national organisations.

See for more details

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