Gentle Reader,

Three quick but exciting and useful opportunities to tell you about this week.

1.   As you may know, the Lonely Entrepreneurs club is in soft re-launch now that we have over 1000 members.   We have re-branded and we have a new name and I have two shiny new partners, Mike Yates and John Williams, both business coaches in their own right each with a unique personal twist.   Take a look at the new site at CreativeEntrepreneursClub and let me know what you think.   You will hear more in December about what 2009 has in store for you as a member of our club.

2.   Inextricably linked now with the Creative Entrepreneurs Club is John Williams' Scanners group which meets once a month in London.   This coming Wednesday 19th November is Scanners Night and the team behind the Creative Entrepreneurs Club is hosting a Scanners Den.   I am speaking on the topic of "What The F**k Do You Do All Day?"   We do hope you will come along and join us.   Only £10 to find out how to make Twice The Money in Half The Time, book your place at the ever so slightly decadent Cafe Royale on Regent Street, London W1.

3.   Thank you all so much for your support for my Children in Need campaign.   My target was £1,000 and at the time of writing I have raised £919.50.   I have, however, doubled my target to £2,000 and put up a day of 8 x 50 minute coaching slots for which I shall request a donation of only £125.   That day is a Coach-A-Thon on Thursday 27th November.   I can offer a combination of life/wealth/business coaching and mentoring and we could use it to create an exciting new plan for you for 2009, or for whatever you wish.   Please book and pay here and help me make my second thousand for Children in Need.

Here's hoping to meet you on Wednesday, or speak to you on 27th November or hear from you soon.

Until next time...

Best wishes

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